A Professional Service
I offer a fully comprehensive foot health service for your feet, whatever your age or health conditions. Our feet are absolutely vital to our wellbeing and I aim to make sure that every patient I treat feels that, after treatment, their feet are fresher, more comfortable and healthier.

My service includes taking a full medical history and a full neurovascular assessment. If I cannot provide the treatment for your needs, I can provide advice or a referral to make sure that you receive it.

I am trained in aseptic technique. My instruments are sterilised to 134 degrees before each treatment. Infection control formed a key part of my theory and practical training. I wear disposable clinical gloves and an apron while treating you. All other equipment, for example, my foot rest are cleaned with antibacterial wipes between patients. I have been trained to follow NICE guidelines for hygiene.

All your medical and personal information will be stored securely according to GDPR law and no information will be kept outside legal time restrictions.

The Patient is in Control
I will always ask for your consent when I treat you and I take your wishes extremely seriously. Where there is more than one safe treatment option, I will give my advice, but you will make an informed choice about your own treatment.